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NutriSpecs Mestanalyse

The solution

Wondering what NutriSpecs NIRS can mean for your business?
Choose the application area below.

Mest uitrijden
mest transporteren
mest verwerken
fabrikant / oem mest

Many benefits with one solution

Robuste oplossingen loonwerkers

Our electronics and software have been developed with the agri standard in mind. That is why the NIRS system is suitable to use in demanding conditions.

Prijsgunstige oplossing loonwerkers
Slim NIRS systeem
Low price level

We use the most modern electronics and optical components, specially developed for the application. We also offer the best price in the market.

Our products are a harmonious collaboration of electronics, embedded software, mechanics and cloud software. Our customers benefit from the best solution.

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Ready for Agri

Our system can be seamlessly integrated with existing agri systems. Whether these are machines or software platforms. 

Manure application

NutriSpecs provides valuable support for the optimal fertilization of grassland, cropland and grains.
NutriSpecs mest uitrijden
Manure application process

Agricultural companies make signifcant investments in machinery in order to apply manure efficiently. However the most important information about manure, the nutritional value, is not available in a timely, correct and continuously way.


With NutriSpecs NIRS the nutritional value of manure can be determined on the machine, in real time. The system can be integrated with existing machinery displays and controls. This ensures better utilization of animal manure, better crop yield, lower environmental impact and cost savings on both fertilizer and man-hours.

NutriSpecs mest oppompen

While the manure/slurry is being pumped into the tank, the average composition (NPK and ds%) is immediately calculated and displayed on the app or on a display in the tractor. The user can then set the appropriate nutrient contents he wish to apply. E.g. the amount of N, P, K in kilograms per hectare. 


During the application, the composition is shown in real time. This makes it easier for the driver to anticipate. If an integration has been established with the machine controls, it is possible for the fertilizer to automatically apply a particular amount of NPK. 


This makes NIRS a valuable addition for every fertilizer combination.

NutriSpecs data naderhand bekijken

Afterwards, it is possible to see where the manure was applied on the field. The information can be shared amongst parties involved. Since the information is being stored in the cloud it is easy to integrate with other software like business information systems. 

Mest uitrijden

Manure transportation

Increase the added value of your service and increase margins.
NutriSpecs mest transporteren voor mestintermediairs
Direct insights

Intermediairs gebruiken vaak gemiddelde waardes of waardes op basis van ervaring als ze direct mest willen vervoeren van producent naar een afnemer. Dit is door de grote variatie in mest foutgevoelig. Ook kan de mest anders zijn dat de producent vooraf heeft aangegeven waardoor intermedairs achteraf in de problemen kunnen komen.  


NutriSpecs voor mestintermediairs is de geschikte oplossing om snel, ter plekke en goedkoop een indicatie te krijgen van de samenstelling van de mest. Met de in-line variant kan continu worden gemeten: daardoor ontstaat een waarheidsgetrouwer beeld dan met een lab bemonstering die uitgaat van een beperkt aantal monsters.


Drijf en drog mest scannen met NIRS handscanner

Slurry or dry manure in a manure bag can easily be scanned with the handy NIRS device. The device uses models for almost all known manure codes.


A characteristic/note and a sample code can be given to each scan. The solution offers the possibility to measure as often as necessary.


Once the values ​​are known, the right client to sell the manure to can be determined immediately. A good match between manure and customers results in higher margins.


All data is centrally stored in a user-friendly, secure web platform. Anyone with access rights can view the data. 

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Afterwards, the composition of the manure that has been transported can be examined. The data is presented in graphs and tables. The management has the ability to analyze trends and can optimize processes. PDF reports can also be generated to share with government and customers.

Mest transporteren
Mest verwerken

Manure processing

Gain more insight and control over the input, throughput and output of the manure processing plants.
Increased efficiency

Door tijdsdruk en kosten is bij aanlevering van de mest bij de mestverwerkingsinstallatie niet direct bekend wat de samenstelling is van mest. Het resultaat is dat het verwerkingsproces van start gaat zonder dat de samenstelling bekend is. Hierdoor worden kansen gemist om de best renderende mix direct te bepalen. 


Daarnaast wordt nu niet tijdens het proces gemonitord wat de gehaltes zijn. Daardoor verblijft mest onnodig lang in de installatie en wordt de installatie dus niet op de meest efficiëntie manier benut. Dit geldt ook voor mest hygiëniseren: door met NutriSpecs te werken kan ook dit proces worden verkort. 


With the handheld NIRS or the desktop NIRS measurement set-up, nutrient levels can be determined for almost all manure codes. The data is stored and can be organized for administrative and management purposes.  


Once the values ​​are known, the right mix can be determined immediately. As a result, the efficiency of the installation can be increased and the throughput time can be shortened.


If the installation is equipped with an in-line measuring system, the process can be monitored during the process itself. The system can be integrated with the controls of the plant. 


The solution is also suitable for monitoring and shortening manure hygienisation processes. 

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The information at the input, throughput and output of the process are available to be used for improvement of the installation. With the use of the platform and the dashboard accountability towards customers and the government is very simple and can even be set up automatically via software links.


It is also possible to use the information as input for automatic control of the manure processing process when using the in-line system.

Fabrikant / OEM

Give your customers the opportunity to work more efficiently by deploying on-board NIRS.
NIRS benefits
  • NIRS solutions increase the added value that the machine offers for end customers. With NIRS, information is obtained about essential raw materials. These raw materials are inextricably part of the primary process of the end customer.

  • NIRS can create distinctive character for the machine builder because of the wealth of information it can provide.

  • NIRS contributes to a faster ROI of the machine. 

  • NutriSpecs is suitable for several product types: slurry, dry manure and a range of feed products.

Enrich machines and installations

Manufacturers are always looking for innovations for their machines so that the end customer can carry out his work more efficiently.


NIRS increases the added value of the machine because it contributes to the maximum utilization of the nutrients present in manure. In addition, NIRS indirectly contributes to a more efficient use of people, fuel and time.


We offer the possibility to seamlessly integrate NIRS with the control of machines, enabling precision fertilization. We can also integrate NIRS with the process installations such as digesters. This increases the efficiency of the installation and allows more transparency towards stakeholders.

Why DynaLynx as a partner?
  • Years of experience with NIRS and the development of prediction models (calibration lines).

  • A lot of knowledge of integration with machine controls.

  • Own electronics development, embedded software, cloud and app software guarantees the perfect customized solution.

  • Independent NIRS supplier.

  • Unique partnerships with important supplier partners, guaranteeing continuity. 

  • We offer services for "white label" NIRS solutions and can develop prediction models on request with our laboratories partners.

OEM / fabrikant

More information?

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  • Interested in knowing what really cost-effective NIRS means? 


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NIRS Technology

At the basis of our solution lies the latest NIRS technology.

What is it?


NIRS stands for Near InfraRed Spectroscopy. With the aid of a light source and a special NIRS sensor, the light reflection of the product is determined. The degree of light reflection is the 'signature' of the product. This signature is translated into nutrient content using a database with prediction models. 


The database contains the results of analytical chemical laboratory analyses in relation to the data (measurements) of the NIRS sensor.

NIRS can be used to quickly and accurately determine the composition of a product. The analysis in the field is cheap and easy, nothing has to be sent to the lab.


There are different versions suitable for various applications. For example, we offer a handy NIRS device that works in combination with a Smartphone. We also offer an in-line NIRS system that can mounted on and integrated with the machine. 

OverzichtNIRS_Tekengebied 1_Tekengebied
NIRS Technologie
Over ons

About us

DynaLynx Technologiebedrijf Enschede NIRS

DynaLynx is a Dutch technology company based in Enschede. Our origins can be found in internet technology and sensor technology. Since 2014, we are active with NIRS solutions.


We have an involved team that consists of highly qualified engineers from home and abroad. We are currently supplying BeneLux and Germany.

DynaLynx Enschede internettechnologie sensortechnologe

The products we supply bring together internet technology, electronics, sensor technology and mechatronics. This creates smart, innovative solutions, with the focus on added value for the customer.


We use the latest technologies. Our HRM strategy and relationships with our suppliers ensure that we continue to be at the forefront of our solutions now and in the future.

vacatures DynaLynx Enschede

We always need new talent in the fields of electronics, machine learning, chemometrics and software.


People who work with us get the guarantee of a varied job: we proactively take into account the wishes of our employees. The personal development plan forms an important basis for the day to day activities and development of our people.



Dynatron Enschede
SIM Holland
University of Twente Enschede
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